MISSION STATEMENT The International Congress is designed to provide the collaborative structure for the coordination and administration of the joint Sunday School and Armour Bearers Young People’s Union (ABYPU) programs and activities. The Congress provides training for current and potential leaders, as well as develops the total person which enhances Christian fellowship and commitment to Christ. All members of the Sunday School and ABYPU are members of the International Congress and work together to achieve the mission of the International organization (COOLJC). VISION STATEMENT Through the exaltation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the International Congress endeavors to empower the hearts and minds of God’s people to become effective leaders for today’s generation. As chosen vessels of God, we the International Congress are called to train youth and adults to become active participants in the betterment of the body of Christ and the communities in which they serve. Our mandate is to train current and potential leaders as to how to serve with godly integrity, steadfastness and with a spirit of excellence. We strive to be a warm, loving atmosphere for Christian fellowship where lives can be transformed and encouraged by the word of God. Through our efforts, God will be glorified and his people edified. As we charge forward, we do so with the prayers and support of our leaders. For as we know, it is Team Work that makes the Dream Work.
Officers 2022-2025 President - Deacon Marquise Rose Vice President - Minister Christopher Breeden Treasurer - Sister DeShonda McRae Recording Secretary - Sister Brenda Young Corresponding Secretary - Sister Rachel McRae Chaplain - Elder Dirk Wallace Sergeant - at- Arms - Deacon Javon Graham